Download your free workbook
Planning and posting social media content can be a real chore if you arent prepared. We’ve all been there – Monday morning comes, “Oh my God I haven’t scheduled a thing for this week…’ Urgh nightmare.
Not only are you making your own life harder doing it this way (having to be creative ON.THE.SPOT.) you are also delivering content without a strategy.
While its important to leave a little room in your content calendar for sponteneity, it can completely deplete your energy if you are trying to to create spontaneous, last minute content day after day and it can also feel kind of disconnected for your audience as well.
Consistency with social media is key and while ideally you’ll have at least one post a day – its not always possible or practical for everyone to create that much content. But do what you can. If you can manage 2 or 3 posts a week, do that, and keep going!
So how do we fix this? First get yourself a cup of coffee, tea or maybe even a glass of wine if its later in the evening and take a great big breath, because we are going to do a little bit of planning, brainstorming, note taking and have a bunch of info at our fingertips that is going to make it a lot easier to get those posts done ahead of time.
I created this workbook actually to help one of my clients get a handle on their year, to plan ahead and to take the pressure off all the posting that needs to be done and in a way that’s authentic and relevant for their audience. Your followers dont want generic content, they want to know what you are doing, what you’ve got for them and how they can benefit from your products or services.
They want to connect with YOU as a person so don’t forget to include your lovely face in some of the posts and make plenty of videos if you are feeling brave.
Download your copy of my Stress Free 2022 Social Media Planning Workbook by clicking the button below, and get in contact if you need any help with your social media marketing.
If you need a break from the relentless production of social media content, I can help. Let me take care of your maintenance posts and you can add in your own posts if and when you have time, and in the meantime you can get on with doing what you do best, and that is running your business and looking after clients.